City of Mechanicsville


February 18, 2010


The Mechanicsville City Council met in special session on Thursday, February 18, 2010 at City Hall.  Mayor Boyd A. Stine called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  Council members present for roll call were Larry Beck, Carla Barnhart, Gene Brown, Calvin Paup, and Deanna Cook. Others present included Jim Barber, Alan Zerbe, and Tom Albaugh.


CONSENT AGENDA: Calvin Paup motioned, Larry Beck seconded to approve all items under the consent agenda including the agenda and minutes from 2/10/10. Roll call vote: Ayes:  Beck, Brown, Barnhart, Cook and Paup. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Budget work session:  Council met to identify options available to lower the tax valuation rate for 2011.  Council reviewed the current levies available over and above the $8.10 limit which included amounts necessary for property and liability insurance levy, amounts necessary for the emergency management levy, employer shares of FICA, IPERS, Medicare, workman’s comp, and other employee benefits paid from the general fund for health and dental insurance, and the debt service tax levy which would include principal and interest on the fire truck..  Council compared last years rate to the other cities within Cedar County and found that Mechanicsville was 5th at $10.44 out of the 8.cities.  The highest rate was Durant at $14.95 and the lowest was Bennett at $8.09.  Council decided to make an adjustment in the allocating of the clerk’s wages from 100% being paid from the general fund to allocating the time spent for billing functions for the Ambulance 20%,Solid Waste 10%, Sewer10%, water 10%, and the balance to the general fund for cemetery administration, zoning administration, and clerk activities.


Council requested input on ideas where money could be saved and the suggestion was made to not pay a salary for what is supposed to be a volunteer position.  Discussion was held on having the health/dental insurance agent come to a meeting to review group policy options.


Set next regular meeting date: 3-8-10


ADJOURN:  There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, council member Calvin Paup motioned, Gene Brown seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Ayes all.  Meeting adjourned.




____________________________                   ___________________________

Linda K. Coppess, CMC                                    Boyd A. Stine, Mayor

City Clerk/Finance Officer