City of Mechanicsville


August 8, 2011


The Mechanicsville City Council met in regular session on Monday, August 8, 2011 at City Hall.  Mayor Boyd A. Stine called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.   Council members present for roll call were Deanna Cook, Carla Barnhart, Calvin Paup, Larry Beck and Gene Brown.  Others present included Jim Barber, Lonni Koch, Doug Cook, Joe Smith, Ron Baker, Dan Baker, Rob Davis, Doyle and Sharon Pickering, Joyce Pisarik, Tracy Conner, Mark Broulik and Sharon Boyd.


Receive visitors/public comment: Mark Broulik stated that the seeding didn’t take and asked about reseeding the construction area. He was advised that the seeding that was done was done outside of the DOT specifications and will be done again after August 10.  He also requested if rock could be put around the barricade sign to facilitate mowing.  Engineers will also review to determine if it should be relocated.


Sharon Boyd commented about the ugliness of the retaining wall and how it has devalued the property, questioned the unevenness of the top of it and who is responsible for maintaining it?  A design can be stenciled on the wall but again what one person likes another may not.  The engineer commented that there is honeycombing in the face of the wall that should not be there and he recommended removing that portion of the payment from the pay estimate and they will address it with the contractor. The wall that was proposed was a standard DOT concrete faced wall which is the most cost effective and sturdier than a block wall. They will also recommend adding a galvanized chain link fence or a wooden 3 rail fence behind the wall where it is higher than 3 foot.  Larry Beck also asked the engineer to review the intakes where they should be in line with the curb to avoid being caught by a snowplow.


Joyce Pisarik and Tracy Conner requested council to again look at adding a crossing at Country View (Culvert and fill) in order for the subdivision to access the walkway.


Doyle Pickering addressed the council about his concerns on the house at 305 N John Street being abandoned.  Stated the cost to have the house torn down is approx. $13000 and asked the council to vote on it tonight.  Council directed Mayor to speak with the city attorney to find out costs and proper procedures in order to avoid the city being in trouble for violating a persons constitutional rights regarding innocent until proven guilty and illegal search and seizure.  There may be more than this one house that would fit the description of being abandoned so the city also has to be cautious and treat them all the same.  The other issue is that the city does not have $13,000 plus additional attorney fees in the general fund budgeted for this type of activity.

CONSENT AGENDA:  Calvin Paup motioned, Larry Beck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the agenda, finance reports, claims, minutes from 7/11/11.  The authorizing of the signing of the Contractor’s application for Payment # 2 $108,281.37 will be revised by the Engineer by removing the recommendation for payment for the retaining wall on Walnut Street and adjustments for intakes as the intake tops extend approximately 3 inches above the new curbing.  (The revised payment application is $86,718.97.) Roll call vote: Ayes: Paup, Barnhart, Cook, Beck, and Brown.  Nays: None. Motion carried.


The claims approved were as follows:


  ABC FIRE PROTECTION INC                     MINOR EQUIPMENT                                      $228.00

  AGVANTAGE FS INC                            VEHICLE OPERATIONS                               $1,680.02

  AIRGAS NORTH CENTRAL                      OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE                      $49.50

  ALLIANT ENERGY                                ELECTRIC/GAS EXPENSE                            $6,159.60

  AMENT, INC                                        ENGINEERING EXPENSE                              $9,939.04

  CASEYS GENERAL STORE                     VEHICLE OPERATIONS                                 $891.34

  CEDAR COUNTY AUDITOR                      PAYMENTS TO OTHER AGENCIES                  $6,962.25

  CEDAR COUNTY SOLID WASTE               PAYMENTS TO OTHER AGENCIES                  $1,170.00

  CEDAR RAPIDS PHOTO COPY INC             OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR                             $81.03

  DAVE SCHMITT CONSTRUCTION CO I         OTHER PROF SERV EXP                             $1,125.00

  FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS                     OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE                     $100.00

  IEMSA                                              ASSOCIATION DUES                                     $30.00

  IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RES      OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $210.00

  IOWA INSURANCE DIVISION                    OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                 $25.00

  IOWA ONE CALL                                 OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                 $13.50

  JOHN DEER FINANCIAL                          MINOR EQUIPMENT                                        $24.99

  JOHNSON COUNTY AMBULANCE             OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE                     $200.00

  JOHNSON COUNTY REFUSE INC               OTHER PROF SERV EXP                             $2,837.50

  KEYSTONE LABORATORIES, INC              OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $289.20

  KOCH, YOLUNDA                                TRAINING                                                   $59.00

  KOCHS SERVICE & SUPPLY LLC               BLDG MAINT & REPAIR                                   $86.48

  KUNDE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT                 MINOR EQUIPMENT                                        $31.44

  LISBON-MT VERNON AMBULANCE            OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $375.00

  MECHANICSVILLE TELEPHONE CO            TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                $296.79

  OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY                  BLDG MAINT & REPAIR                                 $418.50

  QUILL                                               OFFICE SUPPLIES                                        $376.78

  RADAR ROAD TEC                               OPERATIONAL EQUIP REPAIR                           $35.00

  SHEPLEY PHARMACY                           OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $72.37

  TIPTON CONSERVATIVE & ADVERTIS        PRINTING & PUBLISHING EXP                          $188.22

  USA BLUEBOOK                                  MINOR EQUIPMENT                                        $42.85

  GREENVALLEY AG & TURF LLC               VEHICLE REPAIR                                          $19.68

  IOWA NETWORK SERVICES                    OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE                     $155.88

  KIRKWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE           TRAINING                                                 $234.00

  GRAINGER                                         MINOR EQUIPMENT                                      $255.40

  ALL MED                                           OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $36.69

  DOHMEN, ROBERT                               VEHICLE REPAIR                                          $62.95

  SHEPLEY PHARMACY                           OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $19.04

  JJJ ENTERPRISES, INC                           STREETS                                              $86,718.97

  PAYROLL                                                        WAGES                                                               $13,079.04


Total Receipts and Disbursements for month of July by fund







Road Use Tax



Employee Benefit



Local Option Sales Tax



Library Expendable Trust



Capital Project



Ambulance Trust



Fire Trust



Water Utility



Sewer Utility



Solid Waste



Water Deposits





Administration Report:  Coppess reported communication being sent to Novak Electric regarding code requirements and they will be in compliance with the lighting issue by August 16.  The FCC has accepted the application for the change in our radio license to narrowband.  Theisen’s Grant final report being worked on and needs a quote from a child who uses the sidewalk.  The grade in the sidewalk at Silva’s was corrected; the DNR reviewed the complaint filed by Kathy Moravek stating that because the tank was an above ground tank it didn’t apply and IF the city finds an underground tank on the property there is assistance available to help clean it up and the city would be exempt from any violations as the land was acquired through tax abatement.  Cedar Street repairs were completed.  A Vacation day for September 9 was approved by Larry Beck and seconded by Dee Cook.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Public Works Report: Zerbe reported that the additional fluoride is now discontinued from being added to the water and the pumps have been removed and disconnected; Casey’s put in a new sewer and 4 inch water main along the property line on Monroe Street.  There was a water main leak on Second and Jackson repaired and two water valves are leaking and will need to be dug up for repair.  Albaugh 5 days of vacation were approved with a motion by Dee Cook and second by Carla Barnhart.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Police Report:  Police Chief Barber reported 2 accidents, 5 agency assist, 2 ambulance assists, 2 animal cases, 3 arrests, 6 citizen assist, 3 criminal mischief, 1 domestic assault, 1 fire dept assist, 8 - 911, 2 thefts, 3 traffic stops, 1 citation 2 warnings, 6 abatements filed, 1 bad check notice served, 6 warnings for code violations, fireworks violation, illegal parking, curfew violation and 4 citations issued for fail to abate nuisance, illegal parking, speeding.  


Fire Report:  Lonni Koch reported a total of 10 calls which included 7/11 storm watch; 7/13 mutual aid standby for Lisbon; 7/14 land lifeguard, 7/21 gas leak, 7/22 storm watch; 7/22 mutual aid Lisbon; 7/24 storm watch; 7/27 gas smell; 7/31 lift assist for A-3; 8/8 storm watch.  Calvin Paup motioned to approve, Dee Cook seconded; a request for 4 members to attend CITA training on September 24 and 25th.  Total cost less than $400.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.  Lonni also advised the council that it could cost $48,000 to replace the radios and pagers if we are not awarded a FEMA grant.  The annual pancake breakfast will be October 9.  August 20th the volunteers will have their family picnic at 4 Garfield Ave and discussion followed as to why the ambulance and fire trucks need to be on scene.  The council also questioned whether there would be fireworks and if they had been issued a permit by the county.


Request to purchase a 2001 Freightliner for $35,000 (chasis only) was discussed at length but due to not being in this budget and still making payments on the other new truck it was not approved.  The question also came up as to what to do with the 2 old tankers and an additional $80,000 was going to be needed to put a 2000 – 2500 gallon tank on it.


Ambulance Report: Lonni Koch reported 23 calls with 1 being standby for fire; 1 cancelled in route to Stanwood, 3 refusals, 4 BLS and 14 ALS.  We requested assistance from A-51 3 times, Area Ambulance 3 times; went with A-4 2 times and A-7 1 time.


Request for Advanced EMT training 3 @ $999 plus $165 each for testing:  Calvin Paup motioned, Gene Brown seconded to approve the request for training with the stipulation that the one student would need to sign on for a commitment of 4 years total. Request for Tara Baker to attend CITA EMS classes $54 was also approved.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Plan for radios/pagers if no grant:  The ambulance radios and pagers are part of the $48,000 for the fire department.


Old Business:

Residential lighting on Crestview Drive:  No additional discussion at this time.


Maintenance Shed Proposals:  Calvin Paup motioned, Dee Cook seconded, to have Calvin and Larry work on the plan details and prepare a recommendation for the next council meeting as the preliminary estimated cost will require the city go through the public bidding process for a public improvement and requires that an engineer prepare plans and specs for the bid letting.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Concrete Work driveway, sidewalks/curb & gutter uptown:  Larry Beck motion, Carla Barnhart seconded to approve Luke Oberbreckling bid for the 33 feet of gutter replacement at West First Street at a cost of $726.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.  Larry Beck motioned, Dee Cook seconded, to approve Luke Oberbreckling bid $7533 for the replacement of the curb and gutter and 2 foot wide of sidewalk for 257 feet in the 200 block of West First Street.  Ayes all. Motion carried.


Building Maintenance:  Library & Memorial Building:  Notice will be published again for next meeting and Nesper sign will be contacted for follow up on the awning replacement.


New Business:


Appointments: There are two vacancies on the P&Z Board and that notices for the volunteer positions have been posted. Mondo Silva has indicated interest in serving on the board. It was motioned by Larry Beck, seconded by Gene Brown to appoint Mondo Silva to the P&Z board for a 5 year term.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Resolution 2011-16 accepting the Street Financial Report for City Streets and parking for the City of Mechanicsville, Iowa from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011:  Larry Beck motioned, Carla Barnhart seconded to approve the resolution 2011-16.  Roll call vote: Ayes: Paup, Barnhart, Cook, Beck, and Brown.  Nays: None. Resolution adopted.   


Approve transfer of Casey’s Cigarette Permit and the Alcohol Permit to the new address and cancel the old one effective with the move date which is projected for September 29, 2011: :  Dee Cook motioned, Gene Brown seconded to authorize the transfer of permits from the old address to the new address. Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Request to apply for Cedar County Community Foundation Grant and matching funds:  Carla Barnhart reported that the organizational meeting for the softball/baseball committee will be held on Wednesday, August 10, 2011.  Calvin Paup motioned, Dee Cook seconded to authorize applying for the Cedar County Community Foundation Grant and committing $10,000 to be budgeted for the matching funds.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Committee Reports:  None


Correspondence:  None.


Set next regular meeting date: Monday, September 12, 2011


Mayor Comments: None. 


ADJOURN:  There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, council member Gene Brown motioned, Larry Beck seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 10:02 p.m. Ayes all.  Meeting adjourned.




____________________________                   ___________________________

Linda K. Coppess, CMC                                    Boyd A. Stine, Mayor

City Clerk/Finance Officer