Minutes City of Mechanicsville


April 14, 2014


The Mechanicsville City Council met in regular session on Monday, April 14, 2014 at City Hall.  Mayor Larry Butler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Council members present for roll call were Rob Davis, Dee Taylor, Pam Cavey and Pam Logue.  Dee Cook was absent. Others present included Nick Lange, Lonni Koch, Doug Wolfe, Adam Sandberg, Kyle Martin, Architect, Mark Broulik, Carla Barnhart, Al Dohmen, LaVonne Christianson, Matt Polhamus, and Glen Weber.


Receive visitors/public comment: None.


CONSENT AGENDA:  Rob Davis motioned, Pam Logue seconded to approve the consent agenda including the agenda, minutes from 3/10/14, finance reports, claims.  Roll call vote: Ayes: Cavey, Taylor, Davis, Logue.  Nays: None.  Absent:  Cook. Motion carried.


The claims approved were as follows:

STATE OF IOWA                                           SALES TAXES PAYABLE                                 $1,292.62

COLLECTION SERVICES CENTER                    PAYROLL                                                  $343.22

IRS                                                             PAYROLL TAXES                                           $1,665.89

ACE HARDWARE                                  VEHICLE REPAIR                                          $68.97

AGVANTAGE FS INC                               VEHICLE OPERATIONS                                 $954.05

ALLIANT ENERGY                                  ELECTRIC/GAS EXPENSE                            $7,321.45

AMAZON.COM                                     LIBRARY MATERIALS                                   $400.26

BRIDGE COMMUNITY BANK                      POSTAGE/SHIPPING                                    $115.72

CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS                        VEHICLE REPAIR                                          $39.49

CASEYS GENERAL STORE                        VEHICLE OPERATIONS                                 $772.76

CEDAR COUNTY SOLID WASTE                 PAYMENTS TO OTHER AGENCIES                  $1,305.00

CHASE CARD SERVICES                          ADVERTISING EXPENSE                              $1,191.56

COPPESS, LINDA                                  MEETINGS & CONFERENCES                            $86.18

ENTWISLE, ANGIE                                 JANITORIAL EXPENSE                                  $315.00

GLAMOUR                                          SUBSCRIPTION & ED MATERIAL                        $25.44

HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS                      UTILITY SYSTEMS & STRUCTURES                    $196.06

IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL          TRAINING                                                  $40.00

IOWA ONE CALL                                   OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                  $22.50

JOHNSON COUNTY REFUSE INC                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                              $3,002.50

KEYSTONE LABORATORIES, INC                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $346.50

KIRKWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE             TRAINING                                                $225.00

KOCHS SERVICE & SUPPLY LLC                  BLDG MAINT & REPAIR                                 $597.32

KUNAU IMPLEMENT CO INC                      VEHICLES                                              $8,525.95

KUNDE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT                  GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR                  $56.45

MECHANICSVILLE TELEPHONE CO              TELECOMMUNICATIONS                               $368.18

MUELLER SYSTEMS                                OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE                   $1,000.00

ODD JOBS INC                                     OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $350.00

P & K MIDWEST                                    GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR                 $105.11

QUILL                                               OFFICE SUPPLIES                                       $475.78

SANDHAGEN; RANDY                                    DEPOSIT REFUND                                          $50.00

SHEPLEY PHARMACY                              OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $20.33

SHIELDS, ASHLEY                                 TRAINING                                                  $95.00

TARGET                                             LIBRARY MATERIALS                                     $61.73

TIPTON CONSERVATIVE & ADVERTIS          OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $202.22

US CELLULAR                                      TELECOMMUNICATIONS                               $121.74

USA BLUEBOOK                                    MINOR EQUIPMENT                                     $250.05

UTILITY EQUIPMENT COMPANY                 VEHICLE OPERATIONS                                 $119.04

VITAL IMAGERY LTD                              SUBSCRIPTION & ED MATERIAL                        $50.00

WELLMARK BC BS                                 GROUP INSURANCE                                  $1,254.35

WILTON-DURANT ADVOCATE NEWS           OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                  $43.50

FOX APPARATUS REPAIR & MNT LLC           VEHICLE REPAIR                                        $265.00

SANDRY FIRE SUPPLY LLC                       VEHICLE REPAIR                                        $642.10

MENDEHALL; DENISE                             OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $200.00

PAYROLL                                                          WAGES                                                               $10,006.19


Total Receipts and Disbursements for month of March by fund







Road Use Tax



Employee Benefit



Local Option Sales Tax



Library Expendable Trust



Ball Park Fund



Ambulance Trust



Perpetual Care



Debt Service



Capital Project



Water Utility



Sewer Utility



Solid Waste



Storm Water Utility



Water Deposit






Fire Report:  Lonni Koch reported fire calls including 2 medical assists; 1 Motor vehicle accident; 10 grass fires; 2 storm watch and 1 mutual aid with Lisbon cancelled in route. Information was shared with the council regarding the upcoming ISO evaluation on May 2 and 168 needing a pump repaired.  A request to purchase a Four gas monitor $820; an extra battery for a second Four gas monitor for $425; 1 pair boots $140; 2 additional backpack sprayers $156 each; Class A Foam 2- 5 gallon buckets at $83.00 each; 2 - 5 gallon buckets at $102 each and a $17 rocker lug was approved with a motion by Pam Logue, and a second by Pam Cavey.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Ambulance Report: A total of 17 ambulance calls were reported for the month. the FF and EMS tax credit will go to $100 next year; the county may not be sending times by faxes any more it may be done by email; Police scanners will become cryptic; radios will have to be updated again in 2016 and a new antenna was placed on the tower.  A request for Paramedic training expenses in excess of $20,000 to be reimbursed was discussed with no action being taken.


Public Works Report: Nick Lange reported receiving the new mower; streets being swept; cemetery being cleaned off and Stanwood streets being swept and billed for 5 hours.    


Administration Report:  Coppess provided copies of the State Audit report; notification that the water supply operation permit was renewed through 7/31/17; the Lincoln Highway Buy Way Yard sale will be August 7-9; EMS will be doing an insurance audit on 4/30/14; and the NC Football boys are wanting to help the elderly or disabled with some projects around the yard/house on May 31.  If you need some help please contact city hall to register.  It was also noted that Septagon was working with Hull & Hull Engineer to find a solution for the ponding water behind Casey’s.


Old business discussion and possible action on:

Resolution 2014-13 to accept/reject the bid and award contract for the concession stand/restrooms:  Pam Cavey motioned, Dee Taylor seconded to approve the resolution rejecting the bids on the concession stand/restroom project and accept the donation of labor with the materials estimated to cost $49,600.  Ayes:  Taylor, Logue, Cavey, Davis.  Nays:  None.  Absent:  Cook.  Resolution adopted.


Resolution 2014-14 for ball field amenities and transfer of funds:  Pam Cavey motioned, Pam Logue seconded to approve the resolution for the expenditures on the amenities and to transfer the budgeted $50,000 from the LOST fund to the Ball field Trust Fund.  Ayes:  Taylor, Logue, Cavey, Davis.  Nays:  None.  Absent:  Cook.  Resolution adopted.


Resolution for level of financial support for training and development policy:  Mayor Butler requested clerk to read the draft of the proposed resolution as prepared by the government committee.  In summary it provides for up to $1,000 towards tuition and books in exchange for 2 years of volunteer service for each EMT level, (Basic, Intermediate and Paramedic).  Koch requested that 2 students be reimbursed for more than $10,000 each after they signed up to take the paramedic program through the U of I.  After some discussion, including the steps required for a budget amendment, council delayed taking action to search for other alternatives.


Cable Franchise Ordinance and Fiber project:  Hans Arwine, Mechanicsville Telephone Company was present to update council on the status of obtaining a current franchise agreement as the current one with the city expired sometime ago.  Stated they were working on obtaining a franchise directly from the IUB.  Hans informed the council of the telephone company’s plans to bring fiber to the home as the plant is entirely copper now; will be doing the main lines this summer and will primarily be ran in the alleys and may take up to 2 years to get to all the homes.  Most of the green peds will be buried in vaults.


Proposals for removing sludge from the Lagoon:  Pam Cavey motioned, Rob Davis seconded to approve the written proposal received from Midwest Injections at .0375 per gallon with additional options for the curtain removal and removing the aerators.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.  Two other companies provided estimates of 2 ˝ cents – 3 cents per gallon, plus additional costs for renting additional equipment that would be needed.


Nuisance abatements:  Council was informed of letters being sent by the Mayor to address property that contained nuisance violations.  Unclaimed letters may be hand delivered and property owners who fail to abate will result in citations being written with fines up to $750 per day plus an order to abate the nuisance, which could ultimately result in contempt of court and jail time.


Street Sweeper use at Clarence:  Pam Cavey motioned, Dee Taylor seconded to permit the street sweeper to be used at Clarence at the same rate as Stanwood or any other location as may be needed.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


New business discussion and possible action on:

Bike Rack for library; painting; moisture on west wall:  On behalf of the library board LaVonne Christianson requested a bike rack be purchased for $500 with the city paying for half to match grant funds received; reminded council of the painting on the outside of the library; and informed them of leak found on the west wall of the library which PWD Nick Lange thinks it can be sealed with foam or tar and then the dry wall will need to be repaired.  He indicated that he could probably do the painting.  Pam Cavey motioned, Rob Davis seconded to approve purchasing the bike rack.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Resolution 2014-15 for Wage Increase for attaining certification:  Pam Logue motioned, Rob Davis seconded to approve a $1 per hour increase for Coppess for attaining the MMC (Master Municipal Clerk) designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. Roll call vote: Ayes: Taylor, Logue, Cavey, Davis.  Nays:  None.  Absent:  Cook.  Resolution adopted.


Fireworks permit for July 4:  Pam Cavey motioned, Rob Davis seconded to approve the fireworks permit.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Approve the Jones County Joint E911 Service Board Bylaws (2014-16):  Pam Logue motioned, Rob Davis seconded to authorize Mayor Butler to sign the Jones County Joint E911 Service Board Bylaws.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Parking on one side of the street in the 600 block of South Street:  Council directed clerk to prepare ordinance for first reading that would continue the no parking on the south side of South Street to the East city limits not just the 600 block for further discussion and input at the next council meeting.


Controlled burn around lagoon:  PWD requested if the fire department would be able to do a controlled burn around the lagoon area and they will if the weather permits.  Pam Cavey requested additional information about what it means when there is a Red Flag Warning?   It is a Fire Weather Warning used as a forecast warning issued by the United States National Weather Service to inform area firefighting and land management agencies that conditions are ideal for wild land fire ignition, and rapid propagation. After drought conditions, and when humidity is very low, and especially when high or erratic winds which may include lightning are a factor, the Red Flag Warning becomes a critical statement for firefighting agencies. To the public, a Red Flag Warning means high fire danger with increased probability of a quickly spreading vegetation fire in the area within 24 hours.


Lonni Koch requested reimbursement for tree removal in ROW:  Koch had trees trimmed and discovered that it was rotten at the top of the tree and cost an additional $250 to have it removed.  Motioned by Pam Cavey, seconded by Dee Taylor to pay $125 towards the removal.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Police Coverage:  Proposals for police protection (Cedar County, City of Lisbon):  Mayor Butler summarized two proposals he received.  Cedar county would provide coverage at a cost of $41.34/capita for 20 hours a week or 80 hours per month.  Lisbon verbally offered 20 hours during the winter; 32 hours in the summer using reserve officers, our car, our fuel, our insurance, at a cost of $40,560/ year.  Another possibility would be to hire additional temporary part time police if the position was posted.  Applications were also reviewed and 3 were selected to be interviewed on April 28.  It was also mentioned that Durant recently had several applicants after they removed the residency requirement.


Repairs/replacement of water main on Second Street:  Information was shared with the council on some estimated costs to begin replacing the water main on Second Street from Washington to Madison is an estimated $62,000.


Storm sewer catch basin:  Rob Davis motioned Pam Logue seconded to fix the storm sewer catch basin by R. Browns; camera the one on South Street and the two on Cherry Street and report findings.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


First Street grinding/pavement & sidewalk replacement:  Information was shared on the cost to grind 4 inches and relay 4 inches of asphalt it would cost approximately $105,000 for 2 blocks. 


Information was also shared about Oak Street breaking up and it was suggested that the ditch needed to be dug out so pricing will be gathered on that.


Application of Dust Control and/or 125th Street seal coating:  Pam Cavey motioned, Rob Davis seconded to eliminate the application of dust control on 125th, continue with the dust control on East First Street and proceed with double seal coating on 125th Street taking into consideration the information from the County Engineer suggesting a layer of macadam stone (4 inch) and then cap with 2” of Class A road rock prior to sealing.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Committee Reports: Pam Cavey reported that the Auxiliary wants to concrete between the two benches recently placed in the cemetery to facilitate mowing.



NC football volunteers will be coming to Mechanicsville 5/31 and are looking for projects to help elderly or disabled.  Signs will be posted at the post office and the Memorial Building to encourage residents to register at City Hall.


Set next regular meeting date: 5-12-14 with a special meeting to be held on 4/28/14 at 6:15 p.m. for the purpose of interviewing candidates for police chief.


Mayor Comments:  None.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, council member Pam Logue motioned, Pam Cavey seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 p.m. Ayes all.  Meeting adjourned.




____________________________                   ___________________________

Linda K. Coppess, MMC                                    Larry Butler, Mayor

City Clerk/Finance Officer